
Showing posts from August, 2021

A new name to heal your knee pain

Overview:  Do you feel leg pain, back pain, tiredness or frequent fractures? If your answer to any of these is yes, it means you may have weakened bones. The most common cause of weakened bones is lack of Vitamin D in the body. Other reasons include protein deficiency, calcium deficiency, lack of physical activity, ageing, excessive use of  tobaco/alcohol and hormonal causes (menopause). This condition of weakened bones can be helped by supplementing your regular diet with adequate intake of Vitamin D. Nutrilite Vitamin D Plus (D3+K2+Quercetin & Licorice) is specially designed to support the condition of weakened bones and is a good choice of supplement for adults with weakened bones.  Benefits: Each tablet of Nutrilite Vitamin D Plus contains 1900 IU of Vitamin D3. This is the safe and effective daily dose of Vitamin D to support the condition of weakened bones. Leading institutes like International Osteoporosis Foundation recommends 1500-2000 IU (37.5 – 50 ug) per day of suppleme